"When Harris is at a party, and is asked to sing, he replies: 'Well, I can only sing a comic song, you know'; and he says it in a tone that implies that his singing of that however is a thing that you ought to hear once, and then die."

-Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat

Monday, March 5, 2007

of nuns and national parks

Well, we're back. None of us are scarred, broken, or horribly maimed. Dad sprained his ankle but that doesn't count.

My favorite part was getting to be back in Yellowstone (if you do not already know about my obsession with National Parks, do not ask). It is incredibly beautiful in a way that is different than anything I have ever seen. Words can't really do it justice, so I would post pictures but the camera was broken. That drives me crazy.

Because I don't have any pictures, I don't really have anything else to say about this trip except for the fact that it was wonderful. If you would like to know more about this trip, go see Lauren's wonderful post. I feel like a commercial. Maybe I should give a phone number and say something about it costing $19.95.

Oh well, since I don't have any pictures from this trip, I ran across some very interesting pictures from a previous trip.

We were in Mesa Verde National Park, hiking around some of the old ruins and cliff dwellings. And there were these nuns. In funny colored habits. They were behind us for the first part of the hike, and then they were with us for about five minutes before passing us. About 5 minutes later, we look up and the nuns are 20 minutes up the trail, scaling cliff dwellings, climbing ladders, and generally putting all of the other hikers to shame. They were older women in habits, hiking in the desert. It was odd.
At least I know that if I ever decide to be a nun, there is some order where I can wear a teal-and-white habit and hike in the desert.


Unknown said...

Oh no! I can't believe your camera was broken - how terribly sad.

Maybe there is more to being a nun than meets the eye. That would make a good story wouldn't it? "The National Park Nunnery" or maybe even a secret service agent that was a nun. Who would suspect her?

I'm glad you had a good trip. And I think you could make good commercials. :)

Graham said...

those nuns are hilarious. i bet they're mad cool in their own secret way.

sorry your camera was broken. that would infuriate me to no end being on a trip like that without the ability to photographically preserve the sights!

somehow we missed yellowstone on our trip out west. one day i'm gonna have to see that place. do they let you bring guitars on your hikes? flutes? haha