"When Harris is at a party, and is asked to sing, he replies: 'Well, I can only sing a comic song, you know'; and he says it in a tone that implies that his singing of that however is a thing that you ought to hear once, and then die."

-Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat

Monday, February 19, 2007

college mail

I think I'll go to this college, seeing as they took so much time to painstakingly spell my name out leaf by leaf.

I mean if they care enough about me to go through all that trouble, I bet they care about their actual students a whole lot more...


Lauren said...

I am going to go to the school's website and request information just so that I'll get my name spelled in leaves.

What is that dark shadowy figure on the left? A nun?

Oh wait, I just realized it's your hole punch....

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

That's one to save for the scrapbook...

julie said...

They must care a lot about me too, because I received a postcard from Tusculum with my name spelled in leaves.

I have been flooded with e-mails and letters from colleges and universities, begging me to attend their school:

You're among the best, Julie
How would you like to uncover the factors other smart women considered before choosing their college?
Take a deep breath, Julie.
Searching for the right college is about to get a whole lot easier.
From what I've learned about you, you're our kind of person: motivated, compassionate and down-to-earth.

And they know this how? They're just trying to butter me up. Today, I filled out yet another form to be sent even more college materials. Here we go again.

Daphne said...

I am so envious of this spiffy brochure that I actually just went to their website and requested information.

I bet they can't spell "Daphne", though. No one spells my name correctly.

I hate college mail. I throw it all away without looking at it. It has gotten to the point where I receive more college emails than I do solicitations from shady rolex dealers. Most of them are from random places like "EastSouthNorthern University of West Dakota", too.